Movie encyclopedia
A little encyclopedia to terms from film, cinema, DVD, Blu-ray...

Stars / Celebrities
Movie stars and her Autograph adresses, homepages, IMDB-Site, Facebook, Twitter...

Alan Smithee
A little essay about the Hollywood phenomena

What means "codefree", how about this, how to handle and how to work it ?

Who was Dracula, where comes the myth, what facts stands behind it ?

Blood / Red / Black Edition
An overview to the known special editions.

Rating global
The global practice of film classification, the laws, the institutions and the doing.

An overview to the done Oscars, Golden Globes, Razzies, "Deutscher Filmpreise".

Aspect Ratio
An explanation of the used film formats, black strips and Eggheads.

The public TV/radio stations
structure and range of the public TV/Radio stations in germany.